DIY Navajo Art Painting

DIY Navajo Art

By now you’ve seen this Navajo style print as we used it to hold our cocktail-bar garland. Well, this painting is much more than a base for a cocktail garland. It’s a piece I’ve painted ( lol, I’m sure you’ve already guessed that ).

Consumer Crafts asked me to create something spectacular in honor of kindness – Please know this conversation is sponsored by Consumer Crafts, but all opinions & ideas are my own. You readers are what allow these awesome ideas to be published on this blog, thank you!

During the month of November we all take a little more time than normal to share our appreciation and be grateful. ConsumerCrafts.com asked me to show my appreciation for others by completing a random act of kindness, but in DIY-crafter fashion. This Navajo painting is an item I created with a special someone in mind. I wanted to make something that was bright & fun, but also serving as a piece for inspiration. Aren’t you inspired to create something after staring in all of those colors?!? I’m sure my friend will be too.

DIY Navajo Art

I used a few different shades of paint from orange to navy. Originally I intended on using silhouette adhesive to create the Navajo pattern, however the intricacy of the pattern didn’t transfer well during the cutting phase. In came plan B, just hand paint it myself. I think it turned out well for someone who doesn’t dabble in painting often. I placed this painting in a gorgeous memory box & tied it up with corresponding ribbon.

DIY Navajo Art

DIY Navajo Art

DIY Navajo Art

DIY Navajo Art


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