Inspiration board challenge – using holiday cards from minted.com

I adore minted, I’m sure many of you do too! Well, they’ve come up with a really clever way allow you and me to create inspiration boards utilizing their gorgeous stationery.  Plus, there is a chance to win a grand prize of  $4,300! Yahoo! I decided on using this gorgeous green ombre card by one of my favorite minted designers. Palm Papers. It was also such a fortunate coincidence that I had created this gorgeous green Tassel Garland for a customer just last week. I’ve got a feeling this color combination is going to be HUGE this holiday season. I’m a huge fan of the cool greens, they offer a little relief from the traditional red and green that permeates every store, household and holiday card.

Visit minted to create an inspiration board and enter yourself.


Holiday by Carmen, see more Minted.com

Holiday board by Carmen. See more Minted.com

Visit minted to create an inspiration board and enter yourself.

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