Sometimes a thank you is in order.

Sometimes a thank you is in order.

As Christmas creeps up on me I want to say thank you to customers, fans and friends. This little handmade decor shop has been more of a success than I could have ever imagined and it couldn’t have happened without you. It is easy for me to get caught up in the daily routine of answering emails, fulfilling orders and shuffling paperwork. I need to remember to stop and feel the love. So, I’m taking my holiday break as of today. I will close the shop until January 1st of 2013. This will allow me to finish pending orders and prepare for the new year!

Don’t worry, I will still be here on the blog sharing inspiration, tutorials and holiday cheer!

I will take this time to set my business and personal goals for next year (I secretly love setting goals). I’m looking forward to working smarter in 2013, possibly hiring an employee and expanding my services to include tools for you bloggers out there.


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